Fish Addicts Shipments

Don’t miss out! Some fish go fast!

Find out when we expect our next shipment and when our last shipment was.

* These are estimated dates. Please check our social media accounts or call us to find out when our new stock is ready to purchase.

PLEASE NOTE: Shipments of plants, corals and fish are extremely limited due to COVID-19 restrictions. See if a shipment arrived on time via our Instagram and Facebook where we will post when we have it in hand.

Calendar of Events

February   2022

Tue  |  1
Wed  |  2
Thu  |  3
Fri  |  4
Sat  |  5
Sun  |  6
Mon  |  7
Tue  |  8
Wed  |  9
Thu  |  10
Fri  |  11
Sat  |  12
Sun  |  13
Mon  |  14
Tue  |  15
Wed  |  16
Thu  |  17
Fri  |  18
Sat  |  19
Sun  |  20
Mon  |  21
Tue  |  22
Wed  |  23
Thu  |  24
Fri  |  25
Sat  |  26
Sun  |  27
Mon  |  28